Newsletter: Chinese Travel Platform Mafengwo Accused of Arranging Fake Reviews
Due to fake review allegations the Chinese travel experience sharing platform Mafengwo has been under the spotlight lately.
It has been reported that among Mafengwo’s 21 million reviews on restaurants, hotels, and travel destinations, over 18 million pieces were plagiarized from its rival websites or even completely faked.
The 11.11 festival, also known as the “Single’s Day” in China, is coming to town. As it is the 10th anniversary of Alibaba‘s global shopping festival, this year’s mega-event will be the largest ever in terms of reach and scale.
iPhone has a massive user base in China, however the latest iPhone Xs seems to be less popular than the previous ones. Does this depend on the price or is there something else?
More details below:
Editor’s Pick
Is iPhone Xs still Worth its Price?
iPhone Xs is stepping away from the spotlight in China…

Chinese Travel Platform Mafengwo Accused of Arranging Fake Reviews
Is Mafengwo, with a valuation of $17.5 billion, actually a ghost platform composed of zombie accounts and bots?
Alibaba Launches 11.11 Global Shopping Festival
Over the years, the Festival has become a national online shopping carnival for consumers in China and abroad.
A Tour in the Silicon Valley Style New Headquarters of Lenovo
The company aims to create a Silicon Valley style working environment for all its employees.
Market Briefings Expands Logistics Coverage Through Robot Deliveries, Starting with Schools
Alibaba Cloud Opens Two Data Centers in the UK, Expanding Its EMEA Businesses
ByteDance Closed Its Pre-IPO with an Estimated Valuation of $75 Billion

XPeng Motors: Cross-border Innovation, the Driving Force Behind Smart Cars
Ford Establishes Stand-alone China Business Unit
Daimler to launch premium ride-hailing services in China with Geely
Chehejia Unveils LI One Electric SUV with Distance Extension System that Covers 700 Kilometers
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