Amidst the backdrop of flowing geopolitics and escalating tech competition, the Taihe Institute think tank held a momentous event in Beijing on September 7th.
On September 7th, Taihe Institute hosted a book launch for "The Digital Sovereignty Trap" in Beijing. The event brought together numerous experts and scholars in the field.
Dai Wei, the founder of the now-defunct bike-sharing operator ofo, made a surprising move by venturing into the United States and establishing About Time Coffee.
Ports are a category in which Chinese enterprises are pioneering new tech territory. Most people never think of ports at all and have never seen one. Yet ports handle 50% of all global trade.
Temu sprang onto the US e-commerce scene with a bold claim that it can deliver quality products at affordable prices for just about any budget. Yes, that’s right - "quality" and "affordability" in the same sentence.
In the world of ICT, silos and protectionism held sway for much of the 20th century. Things changed in the 1970s when market liberalization and internet-based technology launched a new era of openness and competition that fueled growth and benefited millions of people.
The 2022 social media landscape in a nutshell: Facebook trying hard to be Instagram, Instagram trying hard to be TikTok, and TikTok trying hard to be BeReal.
Chinese blockchain entrepreneur Justin Sun has announced that he successfully auctioned off a complete set of NFT works featuring the heads of the twelve animals for a price of almost $1.50 million from MetapolyXM.
If I had to pick the hottest Web3 project these days, STEPN is the one. Basically, STEPN is a Web3 app that allows people to earn virtual money through walking, jogging, or running outside. In short, it is a "move-to-earn" system.
Euterpe has become a hot program since it received a new round of funding from the HKICEx. I take a deeper look at the company to see what's driving this surge of excitement.
It has been a consensus that the creator economy will be reformed and revolutionized during the era of Web3. Most creator-economy-related projects are now focusing on production.
In this op-ed, tuzhuxi argues that Hong Kong lacks the necessary political, social and cultural foundations to execute the “Dynamic Zero-Covid” strategy, and meanwhile it dares not perform the “lying flat” policy to coexist with the virus.
इस कॉलम में, तुज़ुक्सी का मानना है कि हांगकांग में "गतिशील शून्य-कोरोनावायरस" रणनीति को लागू करने के लिए आवश्यक राजनीतिक, सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक नींव का अभाव है, और साथ ही साथ वायरस के साथ "झूठ बोलने वाली" नीति को लागू करने की हिम्मत नहीं करता है।
এই কলামে, তুজুক্সি বিশ্বাস করে যে "গতিশীল শূন্য coronavirus" কৌশল বাস্তবায়নের জন্য হংকংয়ের রাজনৈতিক, সামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক ভিত্তি নেই এবং একই সাথে এটি "ফ্ল্যাট মিথ্যা" নীতি বাস্তবায়ন করার সাহস করে না যা ভাইরাস সহ সহযাত্রী।