धोखाधड़ी घोटाले से कलंकित, Ruixing कॉफी एक रास्ता तलाश रही है धोखाधड़ी घोटाले ने Ruixing को नहीं हराया: आज, यह अभी भी चीन की दूसरी सबसे बड़ी कॉफी श्रृंखला है। Ruixing उथल-पुथल से कैसे बच गया?
Stained by Fraud Scandal, Luckin Coffee Is Seeking a Path Out The fraud scandal hasn’t knocked Luckin out of the ring: today, it remains China's second-largest coffee chain. How did Luckin survive the turmoil?
New-Style Tea Drinks Unicorns, HeyTea and Nayuki, Rumored To Be Listed In Hong Kong Chinese tea beverage chains HeyTea and Nayuki Tea & Bakery are looking to be listed in Hong Kong next year, respectively aiming to raise $400-500 million, according to a report by The Paper.