पिछले शुक्रवार को स्टेट एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन ऑफ मार्केट सुपरविजन (SAMR) के एक बयान के अनुसार, पिछले M & A लेनदेन में 10 कंपनियों पर कदाचार के लिए जुर्माना लगाया गया है। इनमें Baidu, Tencent और Didi यात्रा सहित चीन के सबसे बड़े प्रौद्योगिकी दिग्गज शामिल हैं।
Ten companies have been fined for malpractice in past mergers and acquisitions deals, according to a statement from the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on Friday.
On Dec. 14, Alibaba Investment, China Literature, and Hive Box were fined an overall 1.5 million yuan for violating the anti-monopoly law, according to a notice from the State Administration for Market Regulation.
China’s market regulator disclosed yesterday the penalty of fines of 2 million yuan ($300,000) each for Luckin Coffee and four other associated companies for their 123 million fake orders fabricated through fake transactions, fake bank statements and other illegal measures.