BrandZ Includes 15 Chinese Companies in its Global Top 100 Most Valuable Brands

The 15 Chinese brands included in BrandZ’s Top 100 Most Valuable include:

Rank Brands YoY change in value (%)
7 Alibaba  16%
8 Tencent  -27%
27 China Mobile -15%
29 ICBC  -16%
35 Moutai  6%
40 PingAn  13%
47 Huawei  8%
59 China Construction Bank -4%
63 Baidu  -22%
66 -2%
71 Didi Chuxing  New
74 Xiaomi  New
78 Meituan Dianping New
82 Agricultural Bank of China -5%
89 Haier  New

E-commerce giant Alibaba and Internet conglomerate Tencent maintained their places in the top 10. However, the latter’s brand value took a significant hit of 27 percent, marking the largest decline of any Chinese company on the list. Recently, Tencent has experienced difficulties with the tightening regulation of the gaming industry in China.

SEE ALSO: The Brand Power of Chinese Brands is Growing Overseas—Huawei Tops the List

Meanwhile, four new Chinese companies, namely Didi, Xiaomi, Meituan, and Haier managed to make it onto the list this year.

Companies like Meituan have grown significantly, eating up market shares in O2O industry. Meituan’s status as China’s super-app for high frequency offline services promises continued growth, and is likely to witness a rise in brand value as well in the future.

Xiaomi is developing services to build a community around the brand. In addition to China, Xiaomi’s smartphone and IoT business is also very popular in overseas markets. Xiaomi is now the No.1 smartphone brand in India and maintain a high growth rate in Western Europe, and its IoT business is experiencing rapidly growing demand in countries such as Russia and India. These developments illustrate the increased presence of Chinese technology brands in the West and the changing competitive landscape.

On the front of transportation, Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing has managed to revolutionize mobility in urban China, simplifying travel within the massive dense cities. Didi’s brand value is making a positive climb and looks set to continue its growth as the company expands into new markets like Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Along with the tech giants and other newcomers are the traditional staples of the Chinese economy. Companies like China Mobile and ICBC are leaders in telecommunications and banking in China. Given the sheer size and volume of the Chinese economy, leaders in these traditional industries are bound to create immense value for their brands.

Featured photo credit to BrandZ