Microsoft Responds to Rumors of Chinese AI Team ‘Packing Up for the US’

Regarding the recent rumors about Microsoft‘s artificial intelligence team collectively going to the United States, Microsoft responded to reporters that currently only a small number of employees have been given the opportunity to choose international rotation. Employees can choose to accept the rotation or continue working in their current positions. The previous rumor of ‘packing up and going to America’ was exaggerated and untrue.

Earlier reports stated that Microsoft headquarters sent an email notifying leaders of AI research teams in China, such as the C+AI team working on Azure ML platform, that they would be relocated as a whole to the United States or Australia. This could involve hundreds of employees. Those who received the email need to make a decision by June 7th and can also choose to receive severance pay if they decide not to relocate. Microsoft USA can also help with family visa issues.

SEE ALSO: Microsoft Responds to Reports of Its China’s AI Team’s Relocation to the U.S.