ByteDance telah setuju untuk membayar 92 juta dolar AS untuk menyelesaikan gugatan class action yang melibatkan klaim privasi data oleh beberapa pengguna TikTok AS. Sebelumnya, ByteDance telah mengajukan gugatan selama satu tahun.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced that he will introduce legislation to ban TikTok from the devices of federal employees, to ensure government institutions’ data privacy.
The internet chart-busters initiated not only a deluge of jubilant social media posts, but also a serious debate about the future of privacy, security and truth at a time when data sells better than oil.
The greatest challenge with the rise of digital publishing and large-scale digital media publishers like Facebook, Google, and in China, WeChat and Sina Weibo, is redefining who owns what.