Agora Earned $45 Million in Q3 2021, Up 46% YoY

On Tuesday, Agora, a global real-time interactive cloud services provider, released its financial report for the third quarter ended September 30, 2021 on its official website. The update says that the firm earned $45.04 million in Q3, up 46% from last year’s $30.8 million.

The data also also showed Q3 net losses totalling $21.1 million, down 624% from $2.9 million last year. As of September 30, 2021, the total amount of cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments reached $767.4 million. It is learned that – excluding the short-term impact of COVID-19 in the Chinese market in the first half of 2020 – Agora has maintained growth for 10 consecutive quarters.

In terms of customer scale, as of September 30, 2021, Agora has received more than 372,000 registered applications worldwide, up 51.8% year-on-year compared with 245,000 in the same period last year. Besides, its active customers in Q3 reached 2,564, up 41.3% year-on-year compared with 1,815 in the same period last year.

In Q3, Agora released many new products such as full-link accelerated FPA (Full-Path Accelerator) and CDN live-streaming. It has further broadened product boundaries and improved its RTE product system.

SEE ALSO: Agora Shares Rise 145% on Nasdaq IPO debut

According to the company’s official website, Agora was established in 2013 and is headquartered in both Shanghai and Silicon Valley. It’s a pioneer of the real-time interactive API platform industry, and a provider of simple and powerful SDK, which can be used by developers to add high-definition voice and video communication functions to any smartphone or computer apps. 

It now provides services in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and is available with local technical and operational support, including Xiaomi, Bunch, Kumu and other enterprises.