DJI Automotive Releases High-Performance ‘Chengxing Platform’ Configuration: Independent of High-Precision Maps and Lidar

Intelligent driving system provider DJI Automotive proposed today at the “China Electric Vehicle 100 People Forum (2024)” to “actively embrace the era of high-level intelligent driving as standard”, and announced the latest updates to its intelligent driving platform product “Chengxing Platform”. In addition to the mass-produced “7V+32TOPS” basic configuration, it has launched “7V+100TOPS” and “10V+100TOPS” configurations, which can achieve city navigation and all other L2+ intelligent driving functions without reliance on high-precision maps or lidar.

DJI claims that the “7V+100TOPS” configuration is expected to enable passenger vehicles priced at around 150,000 yuan to have city navigation functions that can be used nationwide, greatly accelerating the standardization of high-level intelligent driving.

DJI Automotive also released its “Inertial Tri-eye and Lidar Assembly” technology, a unique sensor for the “Chengxing Platform” lidar & vision fusion solution, which will provide a solution for heterogeneous redundancy in future L3 level autonomous driving.

The 7V advanced intelligent driving vision configuration is a global first for the DJI Automotive “Chengxing Platform”, including a pair of unique forward-looking inertial stereo binocular cameras, a rear-view monocular camera, and four surround-view fisheye cameras. Compared to other sensor configurations, the 7V vision follows DJI Automotive’s design principles of simplicity, high reuse, efficient computing power, and strong expandability. Through continuous algorithm optimization, it achieves high-level performance with basic hardware and can meet most or all L2+ advanced intelligent driving functions.

Since its debut in 2023, the “Chengxing Platform”, based on the 7V vision configuration, only needs to carry a 32TOPS computing power configuration to realize L2+ advanced intelligent driving functions including city memory navigation and high-speed navigation driving, and has been mass-produced in many affordable cooperative models.

The upgraded 7V+100TOPS version of the “Chengxing Platform” launched this time can match a series of key new technologies, thereby realizing the system’s real-time detection of elements such as lane lines at the perception level and building road topology relationships, improving the vehicle’s obstacle avoidance and detouring capabilities for various general obstacles in urban areas under mapless conditions, as well as planning capabilities for ultra-wide lanes, chaotic/blurry lane lines, and no-lane-line scenarios.

At this Electric Vehicle 100 People Forum, DJI Automotive not only brought the latest configuration updates of the “Chengxing Platform”, but also first revealed its exploration results at a higher level of intelligent driving – “Inertial Tri-eye and Lidar Assembly”. DJI claims that this sensor solution provided for the future L3 level autonomous driving heterogeneous redundancy domain controller is very likely to bring L3 level autonomous driving technology to vehicles priced under 300,000 yuan – this is also one of DJI Automotive’s judgments on the evolution trend of high-level intelligent driving standardization.

  • DJI Automotive believes that under the promotion of the multi-tiered solutions of the “Chengxing Platform”, the trend of high-level intelligent driving standardization will form a new pattern covering the entire market within 300,000 yuan in the next three years:
  • The entry standard line for high-level intelligent driving, the 7V+32TOPS configuration, will gradually become standard for vehicles priced between 80,000 and 150,000 yuan starting this year, with the lowest-priced 80,000 yuan vehicles having useful high-level intelligent driving functions;
  • Through extreme hardware performance squeezing and algorithm optimization, the “mapless” city navigation L2+ intelligent driving function achieved within 100TOPS computing power will gradually become popular in various types of vehicles priced at 150,000 yuan and above;
  • With the maturity of DJI Automotive’s “Laser Eye” system, it will start to be installed in vehicles in 2025, and around 2026 it will be combined with the L3 heterogeneous domain controller configuration, with the hope of bringing L3 level autonomous driving capabilities to vehicles priced around 250,000 yuan.

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