Huawei Executive Lu Hongju: Next Year Key for Construction of Level 3 Conditional Driving Automation Standard System

The Autonomous Networks Industry Summit was held in Beijing on Thursday. At the event, Lu Hongju, President of Huawei’s Public Development Department, said that next year will be key for the construction of standard system of Level 3 conditional driving automation technology. With such a system, it will be very promising to realize the scale deployment of Level 3 in China over the next two to three years.

“From Level 3 to Level 4 high driving automation will be a huge leap, with extremely high value and, of course, great challenges. It requires all parties in the industry to study together and form a joint force,” Lu said.

Lu added that up to now, the autonomous driving network is to overcome the growing complexity with technological innovation. In order to realize Level 4 high driving automation in 2025, the firm should focus on achieving two goals.

First, it is necessary to improve quality and increase income, that is, for consumers and industry customers, online acceptance of orders exceeds 90% and the rate of orders that are accepted in a timely manner by platforms exceeds 95%. Meanwhile, there should be no complaints of major failures. Second, companies have to reduce costs and increase efficiency, especially in operations.

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In addition, Wang Tao, Executive Director of the Board of Huawei, also shared Huawei’s views on the current situation and problems with the development of the autonomous driving network industry and the company’s strategic deployment in this field.

Wang said that the autonomous driving network is the core strategy of Huawei Communications Network 2030. “It is an exciting but difficult challenge to move towards Level 4 highly autonomous network in 2025. We need to jointly clarify the development goals of L4, make technological innovation, and achieve high-quality development.”