Can Xiaomi Support its US $100B Valuation?

Xiaomi may be the most shining Internet company of 2017. Relying on Mi MIX 2 and eco-chain, the brand has won back fans and cultivated a good reputation. Xiaomi‘s mobile phone sales are back in the world’s Top 5 and it met a sales target of hundreds of billions yuan two months ahead of schedule. […]

Mobike Just Landed Washington, D.C.

On September 20, Mobike made its way to Washington, D.C., officially landing on the North American market. It also marks that Mobike featured Chinese creativity has entered the eighth country, which is a milestone in Mobike’s international expansion and leads Chinese innovation sail abroad. Washington D.C. welcomes the arrival of Mobike. The two sides worked […]

Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun: How Xiaomi Turned the Tables

Recently over 30 council members of the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum (CEF) paid a visit to Xiaomi headquarter. The president of the forum, Chen Dongsheng, chaired this CEO seminar of ours entitled “Internet + Manufacturing Upgrades in China”. At the seminar, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun shared with everyone Xiaomi’s business model, values, difficulties encountered during […]