
Jack Ma Just Ate His Own Words

He Swore ‘Never Do Games Business’ While Now Enter Game Industry in High Profile In June 2010, when talking to the then Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma said, “we firmly believe games couldn’t change China. China pursues single-child policy. If children play games all the time, what will our country be like […]

Alibaba Increased its Holdings in Cainiao Network

Alibaba group announced today that in order to further promote the new retail strategy, it will increase holdings of Cainiao Network. Apart from tens of billions CNY it has invested, over the next five years, Alibaba will continue to invest 100 billion yuan in Cainiao, so as to accelerate the construction of logistics network and […]

DJI is reported to test Self-driving cars

Internet News Reports DJI On August 28, Tech-Web, a we-media, claimed it found DJI’s “secret base” in Shekou district, Shenzhen: DJI self-driving car is being tested there and Tech-Web even exposed photos of these cars. It is reported that the DJI self-driving car being tested is a Ford Edge SUV. From external observation, this self-driving […]

Baidu Sued and Related We-media

According to Netease Technology on August 22, Baidu has formally initiated law proceedings in Beijing Haidian District People’s Court against Xiaolong Zhang, the CEO of Fenbilantian technology co., LTD. ( as well as we-media Coollabs for their serious violation against Baidu‘s reputation. Baidu demanded them to immediately delete infringing contents in their Weibo, WeChat official […]