Xiaomi Announces its “Mi Home”- AIoT Smart Home Initiative
Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun announced yesterday on his personal blog his vision for the future of AIoT and smart home technology in the Xiaomi ecosystem. He has summarized his idea for Xiaomi’s AIoT ecosystem in three main tenants, “Premium Lifestyle, Artificial Intelligence+Internet of Things, and High End Products at a Price for Everyone”. As of March 31, 2019, Xiaomi’s AIoT business has been immensely successful, selling 171 million unit of AIoT devices, which is a 70% increase year-over year.
SEE ALSO: Xiaomi Expands AIoT Partnership into Home, Hotel and Automobile Services
In his blog post, he describes a future where smart homes complete with intelligent appliances are ubiquitous throughout the country, comparing it to the proliferation of the automobile in the United States. Lei Jun describes the convenience and comfort that comes with the full fledged embrace of smart home technology, and emphasizes that such innovation should not be only available to the few elites, but instead should be affordable for everyone. He then goes onto the details of the various devices that will populate Xiaomi’s ecosystem.
First he introduces the Mi Smart Band 4, which is a highly personalized wearable that in addition to tracking messages, notifications and fitness statistics, can also control the comprehensive suite of other intelligent devices within the smart home configuration. The Mi Smart Band also supports Alipay, and can activate the XiaoAi AI smart speaker.

Next, the smart home begins at the front door with the Xiaomi Smart Door Lock, which offers a wide array of security protection schemes and unlocking systems. The Smart Door Lock is linked to the rest of the intelligent appliances, allowing for a seamless transition when entering the smart home. It can also monitor the status of the door in real-time, and supports the Mi Smart Band 4 as a key.

In addition, Xiaomi offers a Washer and Dryer Machine that can be controlled via the Mi Band, or the XiaoAi AI smart speaker via voice control. In addition to its minimalist design, the machine can adjust how much detergent to use depending on the amount of clothes.

For the kitchen, Xiaomi offers a Smart Top Set which includes a vent. It has a seamless, sleek appearance and can be coordinated and monitored via either mobile phone or XiaoAi AI smart speaker. Xiaomi also has a Mi Induction Cooker Set, complete with a non-stick frying pan. The Induction Cooker set allows for precise digital temperature control, with different presets to cater to various cooking styles and needs.

To navigate any language barriers, Xiaomi has released its innovative Mi AI Translator. With a vast language database drawn from Oxford and Collins dictionary and Chinese dictionaries, as well as other sources, the Mi Ai Translator supports real-time translation between 34 languages. The added convenience of translating both voice and text, makes this device the perfect for those who frequently travel internationally.

These products represent the genesis of Xiaomi’s AIoT revolution, transforming homes into intelligent spaces with devices that can be personalized and customized to the individual’s preferences while offering an unparalleled level of convenience and comfort. With Xiaomi’s AIoT business showing major success compared to last year, the growth is likely to continue as they roll out more smart home devices, and strengthen the connectivity of their ecosystem.
Featured photo credit to Xiaomi