WeChat Introduces Renaming, Nudge Features

WeChat’s latest 7.0.13 update unveiled several much-requested features, such as allowing users to change their WeChat ID once per year and send nudges to other users by tapping a profile icon.

Renaming Yourself

Prior to the update, users were only allowed to change their account ID once during the lifetime of their account. Adults who chose an embarrassing handle during their teenage years had no alternative but to register a new account.

“Give me a chance to modify my WeChat ID and all my property is yours,” some netizens joked.

But before you celebrate by taking on an edgy moniker, remember that the name change opportunity is limited to once per year.

To change your ID, update your WeChat to the newest version, go to the “Me” section of the app, click the top-right drop-down menu, and select WeChat ID, then change WeChat ID.

WeChat IDs must be between six and twenty characters and begin with a letter. Letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes may be used.

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Nudging Users

Bored with common greetings that may go unnoticed? WeChat is offering an alternative to saying “Hi.”

In the latest version, users can double-click the any user’s avatar and WeChat will notify the other party you want to talk. Users can also nudge themselves, though this serves no purpose beyond alleviating boredom.

The nudge function also works on group chats, and any nudge to a group will be visible to all members.

That being said, you may want to think twice before you nudge your boss: who knows whether the reply will be a smile or being booted from the group.